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May 27, 2019

Today we’re talking about different ways of fighting for our country and championing to make a difference.


In celebration of Memorial Day, we are interviewing three people today who have fought for our country and are fighting for our country today in some very different ways.

First, we'll be talking with my...

May 20, 2019

Today we’re talking about losing weight after 40.


There are some interesting things that go on for us after we turn 40. With age comes many things right? Some of them are welcome, like wisdom, more character, and appreciation of life.

But, one of the unwelcome changes that often comes is the very real possibility of...

May 12, 2019

Today we’re talking about a sanctuary for lions, tigers, bears, and other animals who are abused, neglected, and horribly mistreated through the exotic animal trade.


"Everything from the smallest reptile to a full-grown tiger can be sold to anyone for the right price. However, most owners don't realize the huge...

May 5, 2019

Today we’re talking about music therapy and how it's being used to help individuals on their road to recovery.


It's hard for us as human beings to deal with things in life that cause us inner turmoil, fear, anxiety, depression, or guilt. These emotions are so heavy and hard to deal with.

So, we seek a respite - we...