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Apr 29, 2019

Today we’re talking about building a happy and healthy relationship with our inner child.


A lot of people have been showing up in my practice lately with issues of anxiety, sadness, depression, anger... all things that call out for inner child work. One of the reasons that inner child work becomes really important...

Apr 23, 2019

Today we’re talking about the high cost of a facade and if it's robbing you of what really matters in life.


What is the image or facade that you're invested in, and is the price that you're paying for it too high? When we put our job, our title, or our various roles in life ahead of our health and happiness, we're...

Apr 15, 2019

Today we’re talking about a new model for affordable in-home healthcare that steps outside the box of institutionalized medicine and allows physicians to treat patients right from their homes, the old fashioned way!


We've moved into a time where institutionalized medicine has taken over and gone are the days where a...

Apr 2, 2019

Today we’re talking about prison reform that gives inmates a second chance to heal, change, and become liberated from their past traumas and old destructive behaviors.


The most important element of the prison experience for an inmate is supposed to be rehabilitation. Yet, statistics, unfortunately, show that over...