Jul 30, 2018
After spending years working in corporate healthcare and witnessing several painful events, my first guest, Jill Schwartz-King, realized that families needed advocates. She made the intentional decision to work directly with families to fill the gap, and refers to herself as a "rent-a-daughter." Jill shares information about her business, ElderCare Concierge, where she helps bring balance to stressful situations by helping families determine what's best for their loved ones.
My second guest, Jade Craigwell, has been helping others take care of their cemetery and funeral needs ahead of time for over 20 years. She shares how this pre-planning really benefits all parties by taking a great deal of pressure off all those who are in a crisis. Jade uses her experience to ask the right questions, provide the best options, and help individuals make optimum decisions for themselves and their families.
Jill and Jade are two professionals that work hard every day to make transitions, changes, and challenges that take place later in life as smooth as possible. These women are a reminder that no one has to go through these tough decisions and situations in life alone.
For the full show notes visit: www.ChangeItUpRadio.com